Source code for bi_etl.components.pyarrow_dataset_reader

from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import *

import pyarrow
from pyarrow.dataset import Dataset

from bi_etl.components.etlcomponent import ETLComponent
from bi_etl.scheduler.task import ETLTask

__all__ = ['PyArrowDatasetReader']

[docs] class PyArrowDatasetReader(ETLComponent): """ PyArrowDatasetReader will read rows using pyarrow.dataset functionality but presented using the common bi_etl interface including Row objects. Currently, parquet, ipc/arrow/feather, csv, and orc are supported by pyarrow.dataset. * A unified interface that supports different sources and file formats and different file systems (local, cloud). * Discovery of sources (crawling directories, handle directory-based partitioned datasets, basic schema normalization, ..) * Optimized reading with predicate pushdown (filtering rows), projection (selecting and deriving columns), and optionally parallel reading. Parameters ---------- task: The instance to register in (if not None) source: Path pointing to a single file: Open a FileSystemDataset from a single file. Path pointing to a directory: The directory gets discovered recursively according to a partitioning scheme if given. List of file paths: Create a FileSystemDataset from explicitly given files. The files must be located on the same filesystem given by the filesystem parameter. Note that in contrary of construction from a single file, passing URIs as paths is not allowed. schema: Optionally provide the Schema for the Dataset, in which case it will not be inferred from the source. format: Currently "parquet", "ipc" / "arrow" / "feather", "csv", and "orc" are supported. For Feather, only version 2 files are supported. logical_name: The logical name of this source. Used for log messages. Attributes ---------- column_names: list The names to use for columns log_first_row : boolean Should we log progress on the first row read. *Only applies if used as a source.* (inherited from ETLComponent) max_rows : int, optional The maximum number of rows to read. *Only applies if Table is used as a source.* (inherited from ETLComponent) progress_message: str The progress message to print. Default is ``"{logical_name} row # {row_number}"``. Note ``logical_name`` and ``row_number`` subs. (inherited from ETLComponent) """
[docs] def __init__( self, task: Optional[ETLTask], source: Union[str, Path, List[str], List[Path]], schema: pyarrow.Schema = None, pyarrow_format: str = None, logical_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): # Don't pass kwargs up. They should be set here at the end super().__init__( task=task, logical_name=logical_name, ) self.source = source self.schema = schema self.pyarrow_format = pyarrow_format self._pyarrow_dataset = None # Should be the last call of every init self.set_kwattrs(**kwargs)
@cached_property def _dataset(self) -> Dataset: return pyarrow.dataset.dataset( source=self.source, schema=self.schema, format=self.pyarrow_format, ) def _obtain_column_names(self): self._column_names = [ for field in self._dataset.schema] def _raw_rows(self): this_iteration_header = self.full_iteration_header for batch in self._dataset.to_batches(): for raw_row in batch.to_pylist(): new_row = self.row_object(iteration_header=this_iteration_header) new_row.update_from_dict(raw_row) yield new_row
if __name__ == '__main__': with PyArrowDatasetReader( None, r'C:\temp_data\data_access_api\n5yK2zeTV6CoYui7fP9bI', logical_name='test_arrow', ) as test: print(f"Columns={test.column_names}") for n, row in enumerate(test): if n <= 10: print(row.as_dict) print(f"Read {n} rows")