
Source values can be transformed with an explicit assignment to the row.

for row in source_table:
   row['my_column'] = str2decimal( row['my_column'] )
   ## Do something with the row

They can also be passed to the row object.

for row in source_table:
   row.transform('my_column', str2decimal)
   row.transform('date', str2date, ('%Y-%m-%d') )
   row.transform('date_as_str', nullif, ('00/00/0000') )
   ## Do something with the row

source_transformations can be a list of tuples. However, the parenthesis get hard to manage if you try to build the entire thing in a single static assignment.


If the source and target datatypes are not the same, and no explicit transformation is applied, the bi_etl framework will attempt to convert the value for you. It will generate Exceptions if it is unable to convert a value.

Dates require special care. The attribute bi_etl.components.table.Table.default_date_format has a reasonable default value (for US based dates) and can be used to do this implicit conversion. However, dates like 11/03/2015 and 03/11/2015 are ambiguous and will load successfully despite being potentially wrong.