Sequence of an ETL Task

The definition of an ETL Task will be a python class inheriting from bi_etl.scheduler.task.ETLTask. This documentation will henceforth refer to that class as simply ETLTask.

To start the task, call the run method of ETLTask. This a standard framework method. It will:

  1. Initialize the task statistics (start times, etc.)

  2. Call the init method that you can override in your class.

  3. Call the load method that you must override in your class.

  4. Call the finish method that you can override in your class.

  5. Finalize the statistics

  6. Call any notifiers on failure.

init method

Implementing this method is optional. The only reason to do so is if you are creating a base class that many other classes will inherit from, and you need to provide that base class with some common initialization code.

load method

Implementing this method is required. This is the where the main logic of your task goes. See Examples

finish method

Implementing this method is optional. The only reason to do so is if you are creating a base class that many other classes will inherit from, and you need to provide that base class with some common close out code.

Task statistics

Source and target components automatically gather timing and row count statistics as they process records. At the end of the load it will dump a set of hierarchical log lines showing all the statistics captured.

Example statistics
  INFO     etl.example.job statistics=
      AutoDiskLookup example_target_table.NK:
          Final Row Count: 887
          Memory Size: 280,292
          Disk Size: 0
          start time: 2024-03-01 16:15:46.739647
          stop  time: 2024-03-01 16:15:47.120763
          seconds elapsed: 0.381
          calls: 1
      AutoDiskLookup example_target_table.PK:
          Final Row Count: 887
          Memory Size: 280,292
          Disk Size: 0
          seconds elapsed: 0.140
              seconds elapsed: 0.138
              rows_read: 887
              first row seconds: 0.073 seconds
              seconds elapsed: 0.011
              calls: 887
          rows in d_mer_measure_new.NK: 887
          rows in d_mer_measure_new.PK: 887

          start time: 2024-03-01 16:15:59.031678
          stop  time: 2024-03-01 16:16:03.055120
          seconds elapsed: 1.144
          upsert source row count: 11,201
              seconds elapsed: 0.118
              calls: 11,201
              seconds elapsed: 0.166
              Found in cache: 11,201
          updated columns:
              source_srgt_key: 312
              example_column1: 4,425
              example_column2: 5,620
              example_column3: 5,620
              seconds elapsed: 0.274
          seconds elapsed: 0.009
          rows read: 887
          updates count: 0
              seconds elapsed: 8.930
              rows_read: 887
              first row seconds: 0.000 seconds
  SQLQuery(source_query_name :sorted:):
          seconds elapsed: 4.487
          rows_read: 11,201
          first row seconds: 0.455 seconds
  Task Load:
      start time: 2024-03-01 16:15:41.670609
      stop time: 2024-03-01 16:16:11.993136
      seconds elapsed: 30.323 seconds